24/7 Water Extraction

in Greensboro, Winston Salem, and Lexington, NC

  • Water on a Carpet


How long can water sit in carpet?

EPA, FEMA, CDC and other standards for remediation recommend removal and replacement if your carpet was soaked with water that was contaminated (like water that entered your house from the street during a storm that might contain sewage) OR if your carpet remained wet for more than 48 hours

How do you get water out of carpet ASAP?

Blow air between carpet and padding with a fan.

Turn up the heat and open the windows to aid in the drying. Use a dehumidifier to dry the carpet out even faster.

  • Blow Drying a Wet Carpet

  • A Carpet With Mold


How long does it take for mold to grow on wet carpet?

24 to 48 hours 

It only takes 24 to 48 hours for mold spore to begin to grow on damp carpeting. Indoor mold can cause permanent damage to a home as well as health troubles and allergies in people. Mold on carpet can grow rapidly and be incredibly dangerous if you don't detect and get rid of it quickly.

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